To start with, the spring is loose, there’s some tension there, but it’s essentially relaxed. Then, as we wind the key, we add stress to the spring. Initially we can add lots of stress, big turns of the key, because there is lots of capacity in the spring.
But, as the tension builds, it doesn’t take much to make it wind tighter and tighter. The more stress piled into the spring the harder it is for the spring to take any more.
Until, one last tiny little turn of the key, a disobedient child, a deadline too many, a cut-in in the car-park, and … sproinnnnnng.
You explode. A regretted verbal outburst. Or a kicked cat. Or worse, a pulled muscle or a slipped disk. Or a stroke. Or a heart attack.
Failure to address overwhelm can lead to staff disengagement

I help you release your spring. Before it goes sproinnnnng.
Physically, I use a variety of Reflexology techniques to help you to switch off your Sympathetic Nervous System, your Stress Response, and activate the Para-sympathetic Nervous System, your Relaxation Response
I remind your body what it feels like to be relaxed and teach it the pathways to make it easier to find that feeling again.